Monday, November 26, 2012

Cuti Cuti India Selatan

Tahun 2012 dah nak sampai penghujung da. Kejap jer mase berlalu. Another year gone and all it left is memory. Tengah tengok gambar, nampak gambar cuti kiteorang awal tahun nie. Dah lama da, but kinda nice story to share. Ini kali kedua kite satu batch jalan-jalan ambil angin. Kali nie ke Selatan India - Cochin - Allapuza - Munnar. Tiga tempat ini, dari tanah pamah, ke sungai dan last skali sampai ke gunung tinggi kite org jelajah. Mase jalan kali nie, dapat la jgk praktis kamera yg beli tahun lepas. Penat nak tulis, biar gambar jela bercerita. 

Laman Hotel Penginapan - Cochin 

Petang tu kite pergi pantai Cochin 

semua tgh feeling Blues gitu

Bot-bot pulang bersauh

Menanti senja 

Port Cochin

Suasana malam di bandar Cochin 

Bot house - Allapey

Byk betul bot dekat sini

Tenang je rasa mcm di kampung

Ini Hotel di Munnar

Sejuk jgk tempat tggi di Munnar

Air terjun nie sejuk

On the way  semua nya ladang teh
Batchmate Mbbs 2010

Dataran Himalaya Selatan

SubhanaAllah. dapat tgk keindahan 


Tasik di Munnar

 Last day semua penat, balik naik train

Overall trip kali nie best. Thumb up dari Pak cik!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Little Heart

Sesuatu yg aku rasa itu..
Biasa daripada yg lain..
Sesuatu yg lama hilang..
Kini kembali..

"a flower called 'you' blossomed
It will bloom again"

Monday, October 29, 2012

I'm not upset.

Standing at your side , kinda awkward than usual . 
This one-sided waiting , how long can it last . 

You finally opened your mouth and described how gentle he is . 
Although you are still holding on to my hand , 
but I am no longer in your heart . 

I really know , you are not sick of me . 
It was me that wasn't there for you when you're lonely . 
Stop looking at me saying you loved before , don't get too hurt . 
I'm not sad , this is nothing . But why my tears will fall , I don't even know myself . 

Just let me go , let me start to enjoy freedom . 
There are a lot of memories , your shadows would also fill my life .
I'm not weak , you know it better than anyone else . 
Although lonely but this will be last exception . 

Hug me tight , Hug me tight again . 
This touched feeling , please let me remember it . 

Don't say anymore , it's your fault . 
Love's at its dead end , a gossips , can be right or wrong . 
Just let it pass with the wind , forget everything .
 Let me live in a life better than yours . 

I really know , you are not sick of me . 
Don't say anymore , this is probably the best ending . 

Let's break up now , rather than dragging this on when you don't love me . 
Loosen your hand , let me leave your side . 
I'll walk forward , this will be my real escape .


I told myself
if she turn back
I'll hold her forever
she move on
and me, standing here
just able to see her walk away
broken heartedly

Who still remembers?
who was the one who said "Forever Love Me"
no one knows
a sentence of the past
will become the wound in the future
as the time passed away
eventually nobody remembers the gentleness of the past
that day, You and I
holding hand together
promise that we will walk till the end

we have all forgotten
how long we had walked in this journey
at that time, in our hearts it is clear
there will be one day
that one day, all will stop
in our hearts, we just pray
hold on in faith
let time tell the truth
although i'm afraid  
little by little, when the sun no longer shine
after the sky darken
we all don't know whether later to regret or not  

As we walk
we are both started to feel tired
but there is no way walk back
two heart are all confused
no matter what we say
nothing can help with it
Oh my dear, why?
perhaps you don't understand either
two people who had love each other so much
waited the other person to start talking the reason for breaking up
who still remembers at the time when love started to change
in the eyes, You and I
we saw the different skies
we walked too far
finally, we reach the intersection
at the point
when both of us
want to have opposite dreams

do you still remembers?
saying "Forever Love Me"
no one knows
that sentence of the past
will become the wound in the future

p/s maybe goodbye is a painful way of saying i love you

Monday, October 8, 2012


Solanin is basically is a poison. 
A poison that i didn't understand.
But a feeling running trough my mind-an emotion.

Mistaken thoughts from beyond the sky
A life spent saying goodbye?
The little piece of the future I saw
Was waving goodbye

The small room i once lived in
Is now occupied by someone else
The horrible things I said to you
The days that were wasted

Perhaps if I'd taken that chance,
if I could go back to that day
But I'll never be that person again

Even if that frail happiness
had somehow lingered on
A bad seed would have surely sprouted
So, I guess this is goodbye

The cold cans of coffee from freezing winters
That long rainbow coloured scarf
I stroll through the back alley
It all comes back to me now

Even if that frail happiness
had somehow lingered on
A bad seed would have surely sprouted
So, I guess this is goodbye

I guess
Goodbye, that's enough
You can cope anywhere
Goodbye, I'll manage somehow without you
Goodbye, that's what I'll do

p/s Asian Kung Fu Generation - Solanin

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

You Look Happy Now

Waiting for the traffic light on the streets, 
I see you out the window and unintentionally I said hi
But uh-oh, we’re broken up right now 

Blankly I just look at you for 2 seconds 

I turn my head and calm my shocked heart 

I look strangely at passing by people
But you know what, you’re looking at me too 
And you’ve become stone in that very spot

Why is my heart that was determined to move on, 
Shaking, swaying and just pestering me? 
The light changed- I have to go now

I’ll pass you by, goodbye, you. Please be well.

You look good, I guess you’re doing well 
Your hairstyle changed- it looks good 
You’re pretty so whatever you do looks good 

Honestly, I was really worried 

That you would be hurting, that it would be hard 

That you would be sadder than I am 
But you look good- I guess I was being stupid

You look good- I guess I was being stupid
I was worried if you couldn’t take the breakup well 
But now that I accidentally saw you, my heart is at rest

I turn my head again- I found you among the people

But next to you is a new guy

I guess that’s the person you told me about back then
Back then I hoped for your unhappiness but now it’s different 
Please be happy. You know I mean that right? 
He should know too, that you have a special sensitivity
I need to step on the pedal and go but 
Why isn’t my foot moving? I need to step on the pedal and go but 
Why isn’t my foot moving? I need to step on the pedal and go but Why can’t I move?

Green light is on, so its time to go
But I can’t just leave you and go 
I hear honks sayin I gotta move
But this feels like the end.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


I must say..i do miss you sunset..
Oh rain..
Please dont take away my sunset..
Without soak my heart..
When you gone, hardly any rainbow accross my universe..
For that i need you..

p/s i need strength to keep on this road.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The best and most beautiful things

They said The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. ♥

So I ask myself "Dear Heart, are you with me?" 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Life got you down?

Sejak dua tiga bulan ini, aku rasa life aku up and down jer. Mula-mula aku rasa biasa jer, but later on I come to realize that this is wrong. My time table was changing way to far from being a medical student. Rupanya aku menipu diri sendiri. Disebalik gelak tawa, aku stress rupanya. Life stress. :'( stress being in this medical society. the people who just care only themselves and being completely calculative. I hate that. I want to learn something but end up being nothing. Seriously, is this what i dream about before i choose this field? No No! Masih ade 6 bulan, life is a game. You need plan to win this. Stress ni buat aku sedar, after this aku perlu lebih power dari orang yang lain. Ya Allah-Kau bimbing la daku dalam hiudp ku ini. Moga setiap perjalanan hidup aku merapatkan diri ini padaMu. Sesungguhnya Kau Maha Mengetahui.  

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Siapa Setia

Masih kah ada ruang di hati mu? aku bertanya. namun setiap kali pertanyaan di balas dgn jawapan yang sama. sepi sunyi tanpa kata. silent is beautiful. itu je yg aku temui. Itu dulu, skrng bukan kisah aku lagi. Kini aku banyak melihat. hati lelaki hati perempuan. mana lagi setia?

Setia itu ape sebenar nyer? perasaan ker atau perbuatan? hurmm~ atau dua-dua skali? well terpulang lah pada pandangan masing-masing. Yang aku faham senang jer, bukan kayu tiga, bukan buat donno kat relationship. Itu setia. But lately makin ramai yang dah lama cinta end up the same way. kalau masih stay pun, ramai yang main pasang belakang senyap-senyap. aku cume tengok jela gelagat jiwa muda. nasib la korang, nak sangat berjanji cinta abadi. aku tgk mcm perencah instand adabi jer adela. takde la abadi sgt pun. 

Yang jelas nyer. Laki mmg tak ramai yg setia. kalau yg setia pun, aku tgk gaya tak cam lelaki sgt. kene control je lebih. Baru kau tahu, bkn senang nak jaga hubungan bila berjauhan. Bagi yg perempuan lak, senang jer percaya kata manis. kadang-kadang aku pun heran, kenapa still degil nak stay dgn laki yg dah penah menipu dalam hubungan. Jawab diaorg, sbb syg tak boleh nak buat apa dah. Lemah betul jawapan mcm tu. But well perempuan mmg kuat setia, no wonder they suffer a lot. selalu menangis bila berhadapan situasi sebegini.

Lelaki pulak, selagi dia tak fikir rumah tangga, selagi itu lah dia bebas. bebas untuk menerima dan menberi. Bebas untuk memilih apa erti setia. Selagi mana perempuan terima jer janji manis yang tak ke mana tu, selagi itu la die akan di lukai. Dan bila lelaki sudah habis dgn janji die,  maka pada time itu lah dgn siapa dia akan bersama. Perjalanan hidup suka dan duka, mengajar kita membesar dalam membuat pilihan hidup. Aku nampak yang pernah kecewa mostly akan makin kuat agama. makin pandai bicara. makin pandai mejaga diri. Baguslah. Sekarang kau rasa kau dah tahu dah apa itu setia? -Maaf aku tak pernah tahu.  :) 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cuti Cuti India

Selama aku stay kat India nie, dah banyak tempat aku jalan-jalan. Habis saje exam, mood nak jalan terus datang. Orang kata India mesti lah femes dgn Taj Mahal. Sayang seribu sayang. Taj mahal jauh ke utara, aku pulak dekat selatan. Tak sampai lagi ker sane buat masa ini. Setakat ini baru jer bercuti dekat area-area selatan la. Kat sini cuaca lebih kurang malaysia je but still ade je tempat bercuti yang best. Boleh lah  untuk merehat kan minda dari belajar medik yang bertimbun-timbun nak kene hafal hari-hari. 

Awal tahun lepas, lepas jer exam aku dgn classmate lari sekejap untuk cuti kat Ooty. Tempat gunung tinggi ala ala Cameron highland. Kiteorg 8 orang pergi sane naek train 6-8jam sampai Combatore. Lepas sampai train station sewa kereta pulak nak naek gunung tu dalam 2.30 jam perjalanan. On the way nak naek gunung tu, mak ia tengok kemiskinan orang India. Dia orang still kuno lagi kot. masak pakai arang, rumah atap lalang, dinding tanah, pastu gune kereta lembu lagi. It is another world for us Malaysian. But bile dah naek tinggi ke gunung tu, udara makin nyaman. sejuk! permandangan makin cantek. Rupe nyer ade perkampungan kat puncak gunung tu. Nice lah! Kata nya itu dulu perkampungan orang native kat sana. Well biar jela gambar bercerita untuk seterus nyer :)

Gunung Ooty. Ade kampung kat atas gunung tu.

Cantek kan rumah kotak kat Ooty!

Gambar yang di ambil dari lembah ke-3 paling curam kat asia.

Ade small train kat ats gunung.
Antara top 3 permandangan cantik menaiki small train kat India. 

Devil End. Tempat ala ala dalam cite Hindustand gitu.

 Ape lagi Kiteorg pun bergamba la :) 

Angin sejuk!

 Macam kat mongolia pun ade sbb banyak kuda kat sini.

Kanak-kanak riang lepas stress bila habis exam.

Kalo dah seorang laki jadi tukang amik gmbar, 
alamak tinggal aku sorang jela laki dlm gmbr nie.

Camni rase bile stress free!

Melawat Ladang Teh

Ini die Gaya pemetik daun teh yea.

Kat atas bukit pun ade tasik. Air die sejuk gler.

Kiteorg buat terapi kaki kat sini lepas penat berjalan.

Lamb Rock. Tapi syg tak jumpe kambing bukit.

Next time nat stay kat cottage nie. 

Musim bunga

Kami singgah Botanical Garden

Nah bunga untuk korang sume.

Kat fun fair - Cuteness level 

Warna Warni

 Sempat lagi maen boating 

Final Picture of them

See you next time Ooty.