When we late for our meeting..then people will going to stare at us with a question mark..
when we didnot finish our work..then people will question about your credibility..
when we bankurpt in our investment..people going to wonder where is the fault..
when we cannot satisfy the people..then tons of question will point toward us..
Why ?? Why ?? Why ?? Why ?? Why ?? Why ?? Why ??
then..basiclly,the next action will be.."the reason of why"
Reasoning is an important aspect of human development..
-when we are unwilling to reason we are stubborn..
-when we cannot reason we are foolish..
-when we are afraid to reason we are a slave..
-when we refuse to reason we are ignorant..
However, intellectual reasoning is not complete and often not good enough..when we contrast our reasoning with the great thinkers then in the eyes of those high intellectuals..our reasoning may not be profound..then, since our reason will be foolish to those high intellectuals..so are you going to give up on reasoning now?? Never! because sometime you need to defense your opinion if it is critical in your point of view..that why, in order to progess..we need to reason and think 'freely' & 'deeply' but avoid making unnecessary judgments..
Accept things winthin our capacities.. it is unwise for us to claim what we have learned as absolute truth at once..Allow our mind to reason things out..Allow it to grow and develop..do not close our mind immediately.."..what we have accepted now as truth may later change according to our experiences, maturity, and deeper understanding.."
Use common sense to understand things properly..Unfortunately..common sense is not that common among people..haissh~!! common sense comes from experiences in life..they in turn come from our willingness to make mistakes..to learn through trial and error..and to learn from every life-encountering experience..common sense is likened to muscle..to develop its strength we must use it often enough.
Angel is talking with Demon..and here is the conversation :-
Angel : Hey Demon, what is the secrect of your success?
Demon : Two words.
Angel : What are they?
Demon : Right decisions.
Angel : But how do you make right decisions?
Demon : Common sense.
Angel : And how do you get common sense?
Demon : Two words.
Angel : And, Demon..what are they?
Demon : Wrong decisions!
Sigh "definately demon always do wrong decision laa..that why he was called demon maa.."
hakim bakpo mu x follow pun blog akuuuuuuuuu
aku silence reader mu..
mcm ghost gituh...
haha..terharu dop?
haha. meme dop laa. haha lg brapa hari je weyhhhhhhh
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